Thursday 22 January 2009


I had a little accident yesterday. I slipped and fell awkwardly and really hurt my bad leg. I couldn’t stand on it afterwards. Mum gave me some more painkillers and it’s a lot better now, although it still hurts if I stand on it. Unfortunately she also noticed that I’d managed to break her table in the process, although she didn’t tell me off for it.

And on Tuesday I was a poorly little dog. In the morning I kept being sick. Mum kept following m round with kitchen roll trying to wipe the drool off my mouth, which I didn’t think much of. Eventually I stopped being sick, and after a little sleep I felt much better.

I had a really good day Sunday though. Eric and Pat came to lunch. I hadn’t seen them since before I had my operation, so I was really, really excited. And Eric spent a lot of time making a big fuss of me.

Otherwise my walks are starting to get a bit more interesting. I’ve been to the Country Park a few times. It makes a really nice change to just going for walks round here. There are lots more interesting smells there, and lots of dogs and people and squirrels and peacocks! I saw a rabbit last week as well. We’ve been there today (Mum took be out to the boardwalk for the first time in months!), so now I’m pleasantly tired out.

That reminds me. I spend a lot of time chasing the birds out of my garden – filippin’ cheek! I usually ignore the little ones, but definitely make a point of shooing the big ones, like pigeons, off. But one day last week there was this HUGE bird in the garden. I worked myself up into a right state over it. It was a one of these…


Dad says it was a heron. Well, it had the sense to get out pretty quick once it saw me, I can tell you!

Lastly, Mum has spoken to my vet/surgeon today. He says that she and Dad can gradually take me out for longer walks. So that will be really good. But I’ve got to go back to see him in a couple of weeks, so I’m not really looking forward to that. I’ve got to have more XRays, which means another anaesthetic.

Monday 12 January 2009

Still limping, but getting better

I’m getting told off for not having updated my blog for a long time – people keep contacting Mum & Dad to find out how I am. So, here’s an update for you. I can’t even remember when I last wrote.

Anyway my leg STILL hurts and I can’t use it properly. It’s a lot better than it was though. And Mum says part of the reason is that I’m not taking as many painkillers as I have been for the past few months. But the good news was that vet let me start going out for short walks at New Year, so I didn’t have to wait the full 3 weeks like I’d been told. I started off on 10 minute walks, but now I’m allowed to go for three 15 minute walks a day. Sometimes I only have two walks though, and today I haven’t had any as its horrible and wet out. Apparently Mum has to speak to the vet again later this week.

So, what’s been happening? Well, not a lot as I’ve been indoors most of the time recuperating. We did have Christmas though and although I wasn’t allowed to have all of my presents I did have quite a few, as you can see from this video of me from Christmas morning. (If you get this update via email, you will have to go to my actual blog to see the video).

Mum too some photos of me too.



I particularly like my octopus – he’s rather fine, and all of his legs squeak.


And that blue thing is good, cos when I knock it over I get treats out of it!

Then after Christmas came New Year. I didn’t think much of that. There were lots of those horrible firework things, and I had to spend the whole time on high alert. I nearly went hoarse with all the barking (the barking was so that Mum & Dad knew they had to be on alert too, just in case).

The big news is that I’ve got a Facebook page now, where I can keep all of my friends updated on my progress and post photos and things. And I’ve got a lot of friends from all around the world. They keep sending me hugs and things. But if any of you are reading this, much as I appreciate the hug, food is what I really like! These were some photos of me that Mum took for Facebook.



And this was me trying to get a bit of sleep.


Although it’s raining today it’s been very, very cold here. Every time I went to get a drink from somewhere, either in the garden or on walk, it was all frozen, and I had to be careful that my tongue didn’t stick to it. It also seemed to make my leg hurt a lot more. But one day Mum let me have a little go at skating on the ice as the big ponds had all frozen over.

Well I don’t think that there’s much more to tell you. So I’m going to leave you with my horoscope for the coming year. It looks like I’m going to get a lot better and have a really good time.

VIRGO (AUG. 24 – SEPT. 23)

SYMBOL: The Virgin

Like the Lion, 2009 is all about you, Virgo. But the next 12 months are about keeping your body and spirit in sync. And it's the year that you get it together solo with the assistance of your devoted guardians. Yes, you critters can behave like you're cool and calm but deep inside your nerves can be frazzled. You've got to learn how to cope better without letting life's stressors get to you from head to paw, claw or fin.


Winter: That big, bright Full Moon in January or February may be just what your vet ordered to keep you healthy and happy during any changes in your body. You may get a job if you're a dog, cat or bird and that means no more boring days and nights. Or, you may hook up with a pet pal that will keep you on your paws or claws. Stay aware because the change is most likely a positive one.

Spring: Pre-springtime is a time for you to get closer to a pet or person. This may be a turning point for 2009 so look for cues. When you get a sign-don't be reserved like you can be. Let go and reap the rewards of a good for you relationship.

Summer: A New Moon this summer-not sure which month it will be-will bring you welcome surprises. Keep your intuitive instincts in working order and you will discover something new and it will make your summertime go by fast and be unforgettable.

Fall: Ah, the New Moon at the year's end is going to give you even more novelty. Yes, changes on the home front or workplace-if you have a job with your humans-may be in the works. Even your own space could be expanded or improved. Enjoy the change.


Thank heavens you are the relaxed personality at home because everyone else has been climbing the walls, tearing their hair out and upset with everything during 2008. Somehow you know the tensions will ease gradually during the first six months of 2009. You may look like you're not interested but you have the sixth sense like all Virgos so you know this New Year will prove to be a good one for you and your humans, right?