Sunday 22 November 2009

Life goes on

I’m sorry! I’ve been such a lazy little dog and haven’t written anything here for ages and ages. I can’t even remember if anything much has happened since I last wrote. I think that’s because life goes on in a fairly regular pattern, so all the days roll into one. We have a walk in the morning, and then another walk in the afternoon, and with the nights closing in now I spend late afternoons and most of the evenings snoozing.

My leg is pretty much the same too, although I am going to see Rachael, my physiotherapist, less often now. Mum and Rachael say that my knee is better, but that I need to continue to build my muscles up in my bad leg. In the meantime my leg still gets very stiff and sore. One day a few weeks a go it was really bad and I couldn’t stand on it. Rachael said I’d strained my hamstring. But she massaged it for a long time and it was better after that.

Which was more than I was – I went down with Kennel Cough again 2 days later! I don’t know why they call it that though – I didn’t cough at all. But I had a lot of trouble breathing and kept sneezing. So Mum took me to the vet and he stuck a thermometer up my bottom again! I hate it when they do that. After that I had some antibiotics to take for a week, then I was better again. So perhaps it was worth the thermometer business after all.

Walks have been getting a lot better of late as I’m allowed off the lead a lot more. Dad always lets me off the lead, but even Mum has been letting me off recently! I’ve been trying very hard to be a good dog when I’m off the lead as it seems to mean that I’m allowed off more. But sometimes a little dog just has to do what a little dog just has to do, and I can’t resist the temptation to go and explore if I find somewhere new. Mum and Dad aren’t always very happy when I do that, especially if I explore around other people’s houses. But there are such good smells. I find out that it can get you into trouble though, when I got stuck in someone’s garden the other week and Mum had to come and open their gate to let me out.

And you can find such good things when you explore and let your nose take you where it will. Twice recently I’ve managed to find myself a dead pigeon!!! When I was with Dad I managed to carry it around for all of our walk, but when I was with Mum she was a real spoilsport and took it off me and put it in a rubbish bin where I couldn’t get at it.

Do you remember I mentioned my young friend Summer. Well she’s getting a lot bigger now, although I don’t get to see her very often. But just after I wrote the last time Mum managed to take some video of us. Summer is the pale young dog playing with me.

Then there are other times on walks when I’m just really enjoying myself and all of a sudden it’s time to go home. I don’t see why I should have to go home when I’m having a good time, so I’ve learnt that if I don’t go back when Mum or Dad call they can’t take me home and I get to stay out longer. But we were so late the other day when we were in Delph Woods that it started to get dark. At that point I thought I’d better go back to Dad in case he went off and left me in the woods in the dark on my own. I don’t think I’d like that.

Then this week we had a great walk – we went to a new beach! I was so excited. I love the beach and I haven’t been for ages and ages. It was a lovely sunny day, but very windy, and I had a great time chasing the ball. Max, of course, spent a lot of time in the sea – something I can’t quite understand. He always has to get in any bit of water we find – and then spends the rest of the walk cold and wet. And he must be getting pretty cold now as last week Mum cut all his fur off!!! But, back to the beach, here are some photos of us down there – you can see how happy I am.

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

From Blog Nov 09

I think we went to the beach cos it’s was Dad’s birthday the day before. The plan had been to go then but it was cold and wet, so we went the next day. I like birthdays – we get cake!

Since that day when it was nice and sunny it’s been really wet. Mum and Dad keep insisting on taking us for walks in the rain. What’s that all about? Who on earth wants to go for a walk in the rain? After the rain, yes, as there are all sorts of good smells around. But while it’s raining? There should be a law against it!