Tuesday 14 June 2011

I made a new friend

Jez makes a new friend by Julia Livesey
Jez makes a new friend, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

I had a great day on Saturday. When I got home from my morning walk Eric was waiting at home. I really like Eric. Then, after lunch we went to a doggy festival, organised by Dorset Dogs. Max and I both belong to Dorset Dogs. Anyway, there were loads of dogs there and I had a great time making new friends. And I got to meet Jo, who used to be my trainer.
I was a bit disappointed that Mum took this photo of me in black and while - she says she forgot to change the setting on the camera - silly Mum!

Sunday 5 June 2011

A trip to Oxfordshire

Somehow I always know when we're going to have a Big Day Out - it's all the rushing round packing things that Mum does. On Thursday she took me and Max out early for our morning walk, and then rushed around packing things into bags and then into the car when we got back. She explained that Dad had an important meeting with his publisher in somewhere called Deddington, not that we knew where that was, but she seemed to.

It was obviously going to be a long journey, so Max and I settled down for a snoozie in the car. After ages and ages we stopped at some rubbish looking place, and after a lot of faffing about Mum took over driving. It didn't look very inviting there, so I'm glad we didn't get out. But a little while later she stopped at the top of a big hill on something called The Ridgeway, which apparently used to be a road a long, long time ago. She told us that when she was a little girl she used to take her dog called Elsa there. So Mum & Dad had a picnic, me & Max had a ricebone, and we had a little walk. Here's a photo of me & Max on the Ridgeway.

Jez and Max on the Ridgeway

I met a few people to say Hello to up there, but no dogs. It wasn't long before we all got back in the car and drove off again. Sometime later Mum pulled up and Dad got out of the car, and we drove off. Not long after Mum parked and we got out of the car at somewhere called the Oxford Canal. It's a bit like a river, but not so easy to get into, and there are lots of funny long, thin boats on it. This is me & Max investigating one of the boats.

Jez and Max explore the boats along the Oxford Canal at Aynho

And here's a boat on the canal. You can just make me out on the path in the shadows.

Along the Oxford Canal

Even though it was more difficult, we did find some places where we could get into the water, which was good, cos it was a really hot day and I needed to cool down. You can see from this photo that it wasn't very easy for us though - there were just small gaps we could squeeze through.

Jez and Max cool down

We had a nice long walk, and met a lot of people and other dogs. One of them was this little cockerpoo called Gracie. Her Dad told Mum she was only 14 weeks old.

Look who we met on the tow path

I enjoyed our walk along the canal. There were lots of new smells to sniff, and things like cows and sheep and ducks and geese along the way (although I couldn't get close to them). We even saw a pheasant, which flew off before we could get to it.

After our walk we got back in the car and went and got Dad, then we drove all the way back to the the canal so that Mum and Dad could have a drink in a pub there. We all sat in the garden, and Mum offered me some food, but I was too hot to eat.

Eventually we set off for the long drive home. Max and I slept nearly all the way. Despite that, I was worn out when we got home. It had been a long day.

Monday 30 May 2011

Jez and Bruno

Jez and Bruno by Julia Livesey
Jez and Bruno, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Here's a photo Mum took of me and my friend Bruno. We are both wearing our racing jackets. This was taken in somewhere they called The Paddock, just before the start of the race.

Mum decided to enter me in a race

I was running in the outside lane, which meant that I had to stop and say 'Hello' to everyone who was standing alongside my lane, including the man with the nice red starters flag. Consequently I came last. Mum says I haven't quite got the hang of this racing lark yet.
30 May 2011


Bruno by Julia Livesey
Bruno, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

I met my friend Bruno there. We sometimes see Bruno when we go for walks on Upton Heath, cos we have to walk down the road he lives in to get there.
30 May 2011

Dog Derby, Poole Park

Dog Derby, Poole Park by Julia Livesey
Dog Derby, Poole Park, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Mum and Dad took me and Max down to Poole Park this afternoon where they were holding a Dog Derby.
30 May 2011

Friday 27 May 2011

Jez, Wareham Forest

Jez, Wareham Forest by Julia Livesey
Jez, Wareham Forest, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Here's a photo of me in Wareham Forest today. I knew you'd like to see it.
27 May 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Fencing in the Beale land on Canford Heath

Look what we found on the Heath the other day. There were two of them when we arrived with men sitting in them, so I had a good sniff and did quite a bit of investigation of those big tyres.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Yesterday in the garden

Dad had a beer bottle and was making funny noises with it, so I went to investigate.

What's that funny noise you're making Dad?

On closer insepction, it looked as though he'd not been cleaning behind his ears properly.

Have you been forgetting to wash behing your ears again, Dad?

I went to check the other side, just to be sure, but he seemed awfully ticklish.

Wot's all this ear then?

I couldn't see what all the fuss was about. It's only a little cold wet nose, after all.

Come on Dad - it doesn't tickle that much!

But it was just all too much for him.

Don't just lie there!

Finally, he stopped laughing and offered me a drop of his beer. I had a quick lick, but didn't like the taste. Anyway, I think I'm still too young to be drinking beer!

At last.  Time for a beer!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Jez, Wareham Forest

Jez, Wareham Forest by Julia Livesey
Jez, Wareham Forest, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Mum took this photo of me in Wareham Forest yesterday. It was taken with her zoom lens, so I didn't know she was taking it. I'm not sure that it's very flattering though, with my ears flapped up like that, and my tongue hanging out. I must have been running.
21 May 2011

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Or maybe not so brave!

Or maybe not so brave! by Julia Livesey
Or maybe not so brave!, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Yes, well, it made me jump when it turned around. And those are pretty big horns!

Look whose bottom I got to sniff today!


I hope you're all impressed by what a brave little dog I am.


Jez by Julia Livesey
Jez, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Here's me again, taken on the same day as the last photo.


Jez by Julia Livesey
Jez, a photo by Julia Livesey on Flickr.

Hello again everyone. Sorry I've been away for so long again. Mum's suggested I might post more if I post photos of what I'm up to - a bit like Mum's photo blog. So this is a photo of me taken earlier this month, so that you can see what a big grown up dog I am now.

Since I last wrote I have stopped having my physio and my leg is all better now. But just before Christmas my back and back legs started to hurt. Mum took me to the vet and they did XRays, and they said I have something called Lumbo Sacral disease, which is a degenerative disease of the spine. I don't really understand it - I just know Mum gives me meds so that it doesn't hurt.
Anyway, enough of that. I'll get on and post some of my latest photos.